Source code for mappymatch.maps.nx.nx_map

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import rtree as rt
import shapely.wkt as wkt
from shapely.geometry import Point

from mappymatch.constructs.coordinate import Coordinate
from mappymatch.constructs.geofence import Geofence
from mappymatch.constructs.road import Road, RoadId
from mappymatch.maps.map_interface import (
from mappymatch.maps.nx.readers.osm_readers import (
from import CRS, LATLON_CRS


[docs]class NxMap(MapInterface): """ A road map that uses a networkx graph to represent its roads. Attributes: g: The networkx graph that represents the road map crs: The coordinate reference system of the map """ def __init__(self, graph: nx.MultiDiGraph): self.g = graph crs_key = graph.graph.get("crs_key", DEFAULT_CRS_KEY) if crs_key not in graph.graph: raise ValueError( "Input graph must have pyproj crs;" "You can set it like: `graph.graph['crs'] = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326')`" ) crs = graph.graph[crs_key] if not isinstance(crs, CRS): raise TypeError( "Input graph must have pyproj crs;" "You can set it like: `graph.graph['crs'] = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326')`" ) = crs dist_weight = graph.graph.get( "distance_weight", DEFAULT_DISTANCE_WEIGHT ) time_weight = graph.graph.get("time_weight", DEFAULT_TIME_WEIGHT) geom_key = graph.graph.get("geometry_key", DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_KEY) metadata_key = graph.graph.get("metadata_key", DEFAULT_METADATA_KEY) self._dist_weight = dist_weight self._time_weight = time_weight self._geom_key = geom_key self._metadata_key = metadata_key self._crs_key = crs_key self._addtional_attribute_names: Set[str] = set() self._build_rtree() def _has_road_id(self, road_id: RoadId) -> bool: return self.g.has_edge(*road_id) def _build_road( self, road_id: RoadId, ) -> Road: """ Build a road from a road id, pulling the edge data from the graph Be sure to check if the road id (_has_road_id) is in the graph before calling this method """ edge_data = self.g.get_edge_data(*road_id) metadata = edge_data.get(self._metadata_key) if metadata is None: metadata = {} else: metadata = metadata.copy() metadata[self._dist_weight] = edge_data.get(self._dist_weight) metadata[self._time_weight] = edge_data.get(self._time_weight) for attr_name in self._addtional_attribute_names: metadata[attr_name] = edge_data.get(attr_name) road = Road( road_id, edge_data[self._geom_key], metadata=metadata, ) return road def _build_rtree(self): idx = rt.index.Index() for i, gtuple in enumerate(self.g.edges(data=True, keys=True)): u, v, k, d = gtuple road_id = RoadId(u, v, k) # road = self._build_road(u, v, k, d) geom = d[self._geom_key] box = geom.bounds idx.insert(i, box, obj=road_id) # road_lookup[road.road_id] = road self.rtree = idx # self._road_lookup: Dict[RoadId, Road] = road_lookup def __str__(self): output_lines = [ "Mappymatch NxMap object", f"roads: {len(self._road_lookup)} Road objects", f"graph: {self.g}", ] return "\n".join(output_lines) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def distance_weight(self) -> str: return self._dist_weight @property def time_weight(self) -> str: return self._time_weight
[docs] def road_by_id(self, road_id: RoadId) -> Optional[Road]: """ Get a road by its id Args: road_id: The id of the road to get Returns: The road with the given id, or None if it does not exist """ if self._has_road_id(road_id): return self._build_road(road_id) else: return None
[docs] def set_road_attributes(self, attributes: Dict[RoadId, Dict[str, Any]]): """ Set the attributes of the roads in the map Args: attributes: A dictionary mapping road ids to dictionaries of attributes Returns: None """ for attrs in attributes.values(): for attr_name in attrs.keys(): self._addtional_attribute_names.add(attr_name) nx.set_edge_attributes(self.g, attributes) self._build_rtree()
@property def roads(self) -> List[Road]: roads = [ self._build_road(RoadId(u, v, k)) for u, v, k in self.g.edges(keys=True) ] return roads
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file: Union[str, Path]) -> NxMap: """ Build a NxMap instance from a file Args: file: The graph pickle file to load the graph from Returns: A NxMap instance """ p = Path(file) if p.suffix == ".pickle": raise ValueError( "NxMap does not support reading from pickle files, please use .json instead" ) elif p.suffix == ".json": with"r") as f: return NxMap.from_dict(json.load(f)) else: raise TypeError("NxMap only supports reading from json files")
[docs] @classmethod def from_geofence( cls, geofence: Geofence, xy: bool = True, network_type: NetworkType = NetworkType.DRIVE, ) -> NxMap: """ Read an OSM network graph into a NxMap Args: geofence: the geofence to clip the graph to xy: whether to use xy coordinates or lat/lon network_type: the network type to use for the graph Returns: a NxMap """ if != LATLON_CRS: raise TypeError( f"the geofence must in the epsg:4326 crs but got {}" ) nx_graph = nx_graph_from_osmnx( geofence=geofence, network_type=network_type, xy=xy ) return NxMap(nx_graph)
[docs] def to_file(self, outfile: Union[str, Path]): """ Save the graph to a pickle file Args: outfile: The file to save the graph to """ outfile = Path(outfile) if outfile.suffix == ".pickle": raise ValueError( "NxMap does not support writing to pickle files, please use .json instead" ) elif outfile.suffix == ".json": graph_dict = self.to_dict() with open(outfile, "w") as f: json.dump(graph_dict, f) else: raise TypeError("NxMap only supports writing to json files")
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> NxMap: """ Build a NxMap instance from a dictionary """ geom_key = d["graph"].get("geometry_key", DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_KEY) for link in d["links"]: geom_wkt = link[geom_key] link[geom_key] = wkt.loads(geom_wkt) crs_key = d["graph"].get("crs_key", DEFAULT_CRS_KEY) crs = CRS.from_wkt(d["graph"][crs_key]) d["graph"][crs_key] = crs g = nx.readwrite.json_graph.node_link_graph(d) return NxMap(g)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert the map to a dictionary """ graph_dict = nx.readwrite.json_graph.node_link_data(self.g) # convert geometries to well know text for link in graph_dict["links"]: geom = link[self._geom_key] link[self._geom_key] = geom.wkt # convert crs to well known text crs_key = graph_dict["graph"].get("crs_key", DEFAULT_CRS_KEY) graph_dict["graph"][crs_key] = return graph_dict
[docs] def nearest_road(self, coord: Coordinate, buffer: float = 10.0) -> Road: """ A helper function to get the nearest road. Args: coord: The coordinate to find the nearest road to buffer: The buffer to search around the coordinate Returns: The nearest road to the coordinate """ if != raise ValueError( f"crs of origin {} must match crs of map {}" ) nearest_candidates = list( map( lambda c: c.object, ( self.rtree.nearest( coord.geom.buffer(buffer).bounds, 1, objects=True ) ), ) ) if len(nearest_candidates) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No roads found for {coord}") elif len(nearest_candidates) == 1: nearest_id = nearest_candidates[0] else: distances = [ self._build_road(i).geom.distance(coord.geom) for i in nearest_candidates ] nearest_id = nearest_candidates[np.argmin(distances)] road = self._build_road(nearest_id) return road
[docs] def shortest_path( self, origin: Coordinate, destination: Coordinate, weight: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = None, ) -> List[Road]: """ Computes the shortest path between an origin and a destination Args: origin: The origin coordinate destination: The destination coordinate weight: The weight to use for the path, either a string or a function Returns: A list of roads that form the shortest path """ if != raise ValueError( f"crs of origin {} must match crs of map {}" ) elif != raise ValueError( f"crs of destination {} must match crs of map {}" ) if weight is None: weight = self._time_weight origin_road = self.nearest_road(origin) dest_road = self.nearest_road(destination) ostart = Point(origin_road.geom.coords[0]) oend = Point(origin_road.geom.coords[-1]) dstart = Point(dest_road.geom.coords[0]) dend = Point(dest_road.geom.coords[-1]) u_dist = ostart.distance(origin.geom) v_dist = oend.distance(origin.geom) if u_dist <= v_dist: origin_id = origin_road.road_id.start else: origin_id = origin_road.road_id.end u_dist = dstart.distance(destination.geom) v_dist = dend.distance(destination.geom) if u_dist <= v_dist: dest_id = dest_road.road_id.start else: dest_id = dest_road.road_id.end nx_route = nx.shortest_path( self.g, origin_id, dest_id, weight=weight, ) path = [] for i in range(1, len(nx_route)): road_start_node = nx_route[i - 1] road_end_node = nx_route[i] edge_data = self.g.get_edge_data(road_start_node, road_end_node) road_key = list(edge_data.keys())[0] road_id = RoadId(road_start_node, road_end_node, road_key) road = self._build_road(road_id) path.append(road) return path